A New Chapter

Over the last week I have been meditating most of the time. In general, meditation practice has become the primary occupation in the morning until noon since this summer. But last week in particular I was preparing for the winter solstice.

Some people say it was the most important solstice with the “Age of Aquarius” starting.

This morning my meditation was very deep and I was able to feel the effects very clearly. Perhaps it was one of the deepest meditations I have had in my life.

I started with gratitude. There is so many things I can be grateful for. I live a privileged life.

I have a big family that has always supported me. A family that is full of abundance. A family with a culture that is very hospitable, loving and warm.

I have so many good friends and deep relationships. People who support me, who trust me and who I can trust.

I am gifted with many talents. Mostly my intuition and anticipation, my cognitive abilities, my voice and my presence.

And in worklife, I have so many people that truly believe in me and want to work with me.

I am very grateful for all these things that I have taken for granted for such a long time and now I really can see.

Then I worked with forgivingness. It was my deepest forgivingness session I had since my 3rd night in OZORA in 2016, when a whole new world had opened up to me, when someone perhaps put something into my drink that opened up my heart.

I started to forgive people who had seemingly done harm to me and asking for forgivingness from people I have done harm to. And then I realised what lessons were in these “harms” for me. However, though it sometimes me feel or seem to be, in reality everything that happens is a mirror. As a creator it is my choice if I make myself a victim of that or realise what needs to be learned.

It is my choice if I start to identify with a challenge or dance with a challenge.

And this insight brought me even more gratitude.

When you don’t truly forgive, you cannot really move on. Energy gets blocked – eventually even makes ill.

This meditation was so powerful. I forgave myself, I forgave others, I accepted that whatever I experience – however painful it is – is a gift, on a much deeper level I realised how blessed I am deeply grateful. I accepted that there are things I cannot change and that there I need to let go of some very deep things to be able to move on and live a purposeful life.

A new chapter has started.
