Destructive Fear

There is that fear that helps me survive. It is the type of fear that protects me from dangerous situations. Perhaps you can also call it my inner voice, my intuition.

But then there is destructive fear. This type of fear is fear that blurs my sight. It blurs my feelings, my perception.

It clouds my senses. It makes me think and do things that are destructive.

Sometimes this fear takes full control over me. And once I am controlled by it, it seems like there is nothing I can do about it.

This type of fear is tricky. It becomes like a vicious circle. It makes things worse… and then even worser.

I once I made an exercise looking at this type of fear. „What is your biggest fear?“ And then you ask yourself what happens if this fear takes full effect. You often get to the point where you realize that what you are afraid of is not that bad. However, it can also get to the point where it get’s bad… really bad…

What I realized doing that exercise was that what I was afraid of was what I actually did already create in my life. In a way my biggest fear initiated a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That’s the tricky bit about it. Although that fear might not be reality at first, eventually it will become reality, just because I allow it subconsciously to take over control.

The first step to conquer my fear is by acknowledging it. Then I go right into it. Because if I don’t do it, I am dead before death.

When people ask me about my take on spirituality I always give the same answer: Spirituality is not about angels and feel-good. Quite the opposite… on a deep level it’s the path along pain and fear!

Yeah, but there is also light… at the end of the tunnel.


The Path of Sin (world of vox – part II)

Looking back on how I experience life I can say one thing: I believe in personally experiencing almost everything.

I do learn a lot through reading and other people’s experiences but also through my culture, society’s norms and spiritual traditions.

However, I mostly learn from travelling, trippin and personally experiencing…  the quality of my understanding is on a very different level… much deeper…

I neither believe in dogma nor in suppressing what I feel like I need to do.

I believe that everything is good, as long as I bare with the consequences!

So I had to learn a lot the hard way and the price was usually high that I needed to pay.

This is the only true way I know how to learn… learn from life about my values and my true nature.

Wise are those (wo)men who know when it is right to break a rule.

So to grow wise I committed almost every sin. Often the consequences were very painful and sometimes the price was too high but living my own truth is what I did eventually win.


world of vox (part I)

In my world there is nobody to blame.
There is cause and effect.

In my world there is no coincidence.
There is  karma.

In my world there is no judgement.
There is  understanding.

In my world there are no borders.
There is  freedom.

In my world there is no mistakes.
There is accountability.

In my world everything is good… as long as we bare with the consequences.

In my world love, openness and trust rule…
