King of Heroes

Xerxes Hill, Athens

There he stood, Xerxes, ruler of the four directions, when he saw his immortals loose the battle of Salamis on this day 2,500 years ago.

The moment he realized that even the King of Heros is not god but merely a man and Europe was born.

So, who is a king without his heroes?

Shouldn’t he be the Servant of Heroes?

Maybe only then he would serve the gods…

Hmm, so… maybe I should consider to raise an army of heroes to serve them 😉


The Oracle


I knew before it might be one of the most profound experiences of my life but I didn’t expect quite that 😉

I came with many questions but none that I felt like I needed to ask.

I draw a card…

The Burden

I walk towards the oracle.

There are those divine moments in life that words can merely describe…

Standing right between the Sanctuary of Athena Pronea and the one of Apollo, behind of me mountains, in front of me a clouded sky and the see… standing on a platform, I suddenly have profound insights…

That very moment Zeus confirms with sudden thunder and lightning…

We humans have the ability to imagine anything we like, yet, we tend to imagine those things that limit us most… about ourselves, about other people, about life…

So, first,

we imagine…

And then,

we create…

Yet, it is us who choose if we create out of fear

or love


WE choose if we create our own hell in paradise 😉

Know Thyself!

